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PHOTOS: 152 Year Old Schooner Discovered in Lake Ontario

The 152-year-old Canadian built schooner, Etta Belle, has been discovered in deep water off the southern shore of Lake Ontario near Sodus Point, New York. Shipwreck enthusiasts, Jim Kennard and Dan Scoville, located the schooner by using side scan sonar equipment.  view photos

PHOTOS: 140 Year Old Canadian Steamer Homer Warren has been discovered

A 140 year old Canadian steamship Homer Warren has been discovered in deep water off the southern shore of Lake Ontario near Pultneyville.  view photos

PHOTOS: The Sagami Maru and the USS Seawolf

Two ships, launched at the same time on opposite ends of the world, both meet their doom in Philippine waters. This is the story of their encounters during World War II.  view photos

PHOTOS: Discovery of an Early 1800’s Schooner in Lake Ontario

An early 1800’s schooner has been discovered in deep water off the southern shore of Lake Ontario near Oak Orchard, New York.  view photos

PHOTOS: News Flash on Jules Verne Nautilus real-life Submarine

Inside scoop on the story behind the story of the recent discovery on the Panama coastline, as you know, according to International news sources, it seems that Jules Verne Nautilus real-life inspiration was found in the coast of Panama, but here is some more interesting details...  view photos

PHOTOS: Horse Powered Ferry Boat discovered in Lake Champlain

A uniquely propelled horse powered ferry boat was discovered in Lake Champlain, near Burlington, Vermont, in the Fall of 1983.  view photos

PHOTOS: The shipwreck tragedy of the A.R.A Fournier

The story of a shipwreck, nearby Usuhaia,South of Argentina.  view photos

PHOTOS: Shipwreck down Cape Horn, Chile

Shipwrecks around Cape Horn, State Island,Magallan Straight,Mitre Peninsula, Falklands and the Southern Georgias.  view photos

PHOTOS: The Phoenix Steamboat - Shipwreck Discovered

Sonar team discovers the remains of an early 1800's steamboat PHOENIX  view photos

PHOTOS: In the Land of Fire, a Shipwreck Story

It was 1930, Monte Cervantes was a German cruise ship that sailed from Buenos Aires to the southern Ushuaia, Tiera del Fuego, known as the Land of Fire, and to Punta Arenas in Chile.  view photos

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Shipwrecks of Lake Ontario - A Journey of Discovery Book

The National Museum of the Great Lakes is excited to announce the release of a new book titled Shipwrecks of Lake Ontario: A Journey of Discovery. This book contains stories of long lost shipwrecks and the journeys of the underwater explorers who found them, written by Jim Kennard with paintings by Roland Stevens and underwater imagery by Roger Pawlowski.

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Legend of the Lake - New Discovery Edition Book

The recent discovery of the wreck of the British warship Ontario, “the Holy Grail” of Great Lakes shipwrecks, solves several mysteries that have puzzled historians since the ship sank more than two centuries ago. Now, for the first time, the whole tragic story of the Ontario can finally be told.

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