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Available assistant positions?

To Jim Kennard- I'm a recent graduate with a B.A. in anthropology and history, with archaeology experience and a diving certification. Are you looking for any kind of assistant in the Canadian schooner project? If so, I'd love the opportunity. If you'd like to talk, my email is Good luck with your further research.
-Jensen Hurley
Buffalo, NY

1 Answer

Hi Jensen, Thank you for your interest in our shipwreck activities. Our goal is in locating shipwrecks off the southern shore of Lake Ontario and writing the final chapter of the ships history. Almost all of these ships are in very deep water and do not feasibly permit detailed archaeological examination. It is only through the use of good video do we get to understand the details of these shipwrecks. We work closely with our sponsor the National Museum of the Great Lakes who provides archaeological insight for the ships that we are finding in Lake Ontario.

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Shipwrecks of Lake Ontario - A Journey of Discovery Book

The National Museum of the Great Lakes is excited to announce the release of a new book titled Shipwrecks of Lake Ontario: A Journey of Discovery. This book contains stories of long lost shipwrecks and the journeys of the underwater explorers who found them, written by Jim Kennard with paintings by Roland Stevens and underwater imagery by Roger Pawlowski.

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Legend of the Lake - New Discovery Edition Book

The recent discovery of the wreck of the British warship Ontario, “the Holy Grail” of Great Lakes shipwrecks, solves several mysteries that have puzzled historians since the ship sank more than two centuries ago. Now, for the first time, the whole tragic story of the Ontario can finally be told.

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